by England | Jul 5, 2023 | England, Landmarks
Today in Reception, the children were introduced to local maps in our area. The children spoke about their journey from home to school and the different landmarks that they see. We introduced the different symbols that we use on maps and let the children create their...
by Romania | Mar 23, 2022 | Landmarks, Romania
3 didactic activity projects for the topic: Landmarks in Zalău city, in our Sălaj county, Romania Small Group A, Prolong Program, ”Ion Creangă” Kindergarten – Psycho-Motor Domain – Physical Education: A visit to the Jibou Botanical Garden – applied...
by Spain | Jun 8, 2021 | Landmarks, Spain
Children 6-8 years old chose different places in our School neighborhood and in our city. They carried out several works to show to their classmates. They have recorded videos too to show to our european friends beautiful places in Cáceres. It was a fun task!...