Our school garden

Our school garden

Finally this year, after the pandemic, we were able to resume work in our school garden. First we took care of weeding the area. Then we analyzed the most suitable soil to grow our vegetables and finally, in the spring, they planted salad and basil. We identified a...
Our elf friend

Our elf friend

Quest’anno ci è successa una cosa straordinaria: un elf ci ha scritto e ha chiesto il nostro aiuto. L’elfo si chiama Bambilla e vive su una quercia. Seguendo la mappa che ci ha inviato abbiamo trovato la sua casa: abbiamo osservato la quercia e in classe...
The fantastic world of bees

The fantastic world of bees

In one of his letters our elf friend told us that he got sick. So we worked hard to make a medicine based on honey, pollen and royal jelly. In this way we got to know the world of bees: their social structure, the hive, their life and also the man who raises them, the...

Ancient rites of May

http://www.europethroughmyeyes.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/VID_20220502_124519.mp4   We invited Olga, a young woman expert in local history and traditions, to school. She told us about two rites linked to Nature and to the month of May in particular. In the...

The wolf’s path- Nature, history, music-

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cnv3bVQXBoyq_4MxpdpFR7EcP9sSMuku/view?usp=drivesdk Nature itself is an art gallery. We are lucky enough to live in a hilly area, very green and full of marked trails that are part of a network created by the local EcoMuseo delle Rocche...
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