Maps of our Local Area!

Today in Reception, the children were introduced to local maps in our area. The children spoke about their journey from home to school and the different landmarks that they see. We introduced the different symbols that we use on maps and let the children create their...

Year 1 Outdoor Classroom!

The children in year 1 enjoyed a full day outdoors on Thursday. They began the day with a multi skills session followed by a nature scavenger hunt and a find the rainbow challenge. We even took our reading, maths and music lesson outside too!

Wild Passport!

Year 6 enjoyed another full day of learning outside. They enjoyed a jam-packed day of nature quizzes, bug hunts, friendship bracelet making and finished with chocolate digestive s’mores by the fire! 🌿🪵🐜🌼🪲🍢🔥

Outdoor Classroom Day

Last week, it was National Outdoor Classroom Day. In year 4, we embraced the day and had all of our lessons outside! This included: History, DT/Science, Maths and Wild Passport.

Battle of Hastings!

During this half term, we have been learning about 1066 and how it was one of the most significant years for England. As part of the topic, we decided to re-enact the Battle of Hastings! We were divided into Normans and Anglo Saxons and then the battle began…...

Music Fun in Nursery!

In music, we have been learning about volume and talking about how loud or quiet music is. We listened to different songs and decided whether they were loud or quiet, and talked about whether they sounded scary, angry or happy. We then guessed which animal we thought...
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