History of our school

History of our Kindergarten with Extended Program ”Ion Creangă” Zalău, Sălaj county, Romania

  • The educators and the children researched the key elements, moments and events from the past and the present of the Kindergarten with Extended Program “Ion Creangă” Zalău, Sălaj County, Romania. The teachers used a wide range of sources – internet, books, photos, slides, videotapes, to help the children in this research and made a thematic exhibition for parents.
  • The educators presented to the children information about our kindergarten in the form of a story using power point, in shot or other multimedia software depending on their age level, respectively 3-4 years / small group, 4-5 years / medium group, 5- 6 years / large group.
  • Given the context of “Literacy”, together with the educators, the children imagined that they were at one of the highlights of the kindergarten (the commissioning of the kindergarten that took place on 01.09.1977; the celebration of 1997, by which kindergarten was named after the great storyteller Ion Creanga (b. 01.03.1837-d. 31.12.1889), the first Comenius project that took place in 1999 in our kindergarten led to the writing of one of the top 10 success stories nationwide , carrying out such projects; receiving kindergarten partners from 8 countries in kindergarten in 2016 and celebrating the annual Erasmus Days). Thus, they made a diary, in which they recounted everything that happened on the occasion of these significant moments in the life of our kindergarten and celebrated these aspects through play.
  • On Tuesday, 15.02.2022, on the occasion of the Romanian National Reading Day, Emilia, the kindergarten director, read in each of the 11 groups of children a story from the collection of books that our kindergarten currently has.
  • On March 1, 2022 we celebrated 185 years since the birth of the great writer and storyteller Ion Creanga (b. 01.03.1837-d. 31.12.1889) and 45 years since our kindergarten operates – in each of the 11 groups of children we had moments of celebration
  • The children designed and made advertisements for this event, a milestone for the history of our kindergarten. The children designed and drew invitations for this event. Through ZOOM meetings with partners we found out about the local events of the partner schools in England, Spain and Italy, about what is celebrated in each partner school, what is the history behind it and we presented the events in our kindergarten in Romania.
  • Teachers researched the history of kindergarten by documenting from the archive of documents, photo albums, videotapes and interviewed educators who worked in kindergarten 30-40 years ago and who retired. At the same time, the teachers made the exhibition with the theme “Kindergarten of yesterday, today and tomorrow”.






















































































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